
Discovering Your Identity in Christ is unavailable, but you can change that!

Dr. Charles Stanley’s new series of Bible study guides features insights and wisdom of this beloved pastor and author. Small groups and individuals who want a Bible study that’s spiritually sound and practical will find a wealth of ideas to help them understand and apply the Scriptures to the real world. Each title takes a unique fourfold approach to get the most out of Bible study...

believe what the Bible says. Do you believe today that you are a saint? Being a saint is not based upon how you feel. Most of us do not feel like saints at any given hour on any given day. Feelings come and go. Emotions rise and fall. What we feel is often highly unpredictable, and emotions are certainly not a basis for making decisions about one’s identity. For some people, an unruly hairdo or a spilled cup of coffee can ruin a day emotionally. No—emotions are not the basis on which we conclude
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